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diid ke qaabil

worth seeing, good-looking


worth seeing, good-looking

aaTh baar nau tyohaar

living a life with full of enjoyment, living a luxurious life


flower garden, lush garden, verdant meadow




the devil, satan


grateful or agreeable to the mind or soul, pleasing, amusing, diverting, acceptable, agreeable


a staccato musical mode with quick tempo, kind of song to a quick air


a hired labourer, worker


thinking well, well wisher

duudh-shariik bahan

foster sister


related to grief and death, elegiac


vessel, vase, receptacle, receptacle


one third, one-third part


curse, anathema, imprecation, reproach, reproof, rebuke

qahr Dhaanaa

to be wrathful, to rage

chale na jaa.e aa.ngan Te.Dhaa

a bad workman blames his tools

aage naath na piichhe pagaa

heirless, lone, lone wolf


magician, sorcerer, wizard, conjuror


the celebration of of an engagement, betrothal, engagement

Words tagged under "Rhetoric"

List of Urdu words and terms related with "Rhetoric" consisting of definitions, descriptions, elucidations and topical and subject-specific categorizations


(Rhetoric) 'Collecting and scattering', a figure corresponding to the Chiasmus of the classics, (the following are examples from Persian poetry: Chun jood o jalaal o hunar o taabʻ o kaffe oo, Abr o falak o aḵẖtar o daryaa mat̤ar nest, 'As (are) his generosity, majesty, skill, character, and liberal hand, the clouds, the firmament, the stars, the ocean, and the rain are not', Jan o dil-e wali o ʻadawi-e tu roz-o-shab, Az waʻda-o waʻeed-e-tu pur noor o naar baad, 'may the soul and the heart of thy friend and of thy foe be ever, Full of light or of fire by thy promise or thy threat.' Examples from English poety are: 'annual for me the grape, the rose renew, the juice nectarious, and the balmy dew' (Pope), 'an oven that is stopped or river stay'd, Burneth more hotly, swelleth with more rage' (Shakespeare)

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