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Showing results for "tavaa ha.nsnaa"

tavaa ha.nsnaa

if a person laughing while eating betel leaf he is also called as 'Pan Hansna'

tave kaa ha.nsnaa

falling of sparks from the hot plate when the soot on it burns (regarded as a good omen)

Meaning ofSee meaning tavaa ha.nsnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

tavaa ha.nsnaa

तवा हँसनाتَوا ہَنسْنا


Tags: Colloquial

English meaning of tavaa ha.nsnaa

Sanskrit, Hindi - Compound Verb

  • if a person laughing while eating betel leaf he is also called as 'Pan Hansna'
  • a lot of mascara starts to glow under the burning pan and blossoms from it, it is also called as 'Pan Hansna' it also consider as auspiciousness

तवा हँसना के हिंदी अर्थ

संस्कृत, हिंदी - यौगिक क्रिया

  • कोई काला आदमी पान खा कर हँसता है तो उस पर भी तवे के हँसने की फबती कसते हैं
  • जलते जलते तवे के नीचे बहुत सा काजल जमा होकर चमकने लग जाता है और उससे फूल झड़ते हैं, उसको तवे का हंसना कहते हैं, कुछ लोग उसको शुभ मानते हैं

تَوا ہَنسْنا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

سنسکرت، ہندی - فعل مرکب

  • ۱. توے کے نیچے کی کالون٘چ کا روشن ہو کر اس سے پھول سے جھڑنا، لوگ اسے نیک فال سمجھتے ہیں.
  • ۲. کوئی کالا آدمی پان کھا کر ہن٘ستا ہے تو اس پر بھی توے کے ہن٘سنے کی پھبتی کستے ہیں.

Urdu meaning of tavaa ha.nsnaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ۱. tave ke niiche kii ka launch ka roshan ho kar is se phuul se jha.Dnaa, log use nek faal samajhte hai.n
  • ۲. ko.ii kaala aadamii paan kha kar ha.nstaa hai to is par bhii tave ke ha.nsne kii phabtii kaste hai.n

Rhyming words of tavaa ha.nsnaa

Related searched words

tavaa ha.nsnaa

if a person laughing while eating betel leaf he is also called as 'Pan Hansna'

tave kaa ha.nsnaa

falling of sparks from the hot plate when the soot on it burns (regarded as a good omen)

Showing search results for: English meaning of tava hansna, English meaning of tavaa hansnaa

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