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Showing results for "'ilm-e-usuul-e-qaanuun-e-'aam"


the science that discusses the subjects and purposes of law that are common to legal systems around the world


the formal knowledge of human relations, which are subject to the rules of law or which produce legal consequences


the knowledge of a real system of law or a part of it


common rights

Meaning ofSee meaning 'ilm-e-usuul-e-qaanuun-e-'aam in English, Hindi & Urdu


'इल्म-ए-उसूल-ए-क़ानून-ए-'आमعِلْمِ اُصُولِ قانُونِ عام

Vazn : 2212222221

English meaning of 'ilm-e-usuul-e-qaanuun-e-'aam

Noun, Masculine

  • the science that discusses the subjects and purposes of law that are common to legal systems around the world

عِلْمِ اُصُولِ قانُونِ عام کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • وہ علم جس میں ان مضامین اور اغراض و مقاصد قانون سے بحث کی جاتی ہے جو ساری دنیا کے قانونی نظاموں میں مشترک ہیں .

Urdu meaning of 'ilm-e-usuul-e-qaanuun-e-'aam

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • vo ilam jis me.n in mazaamiin aur aGraaz-o-maqaasid qaanuun se behas kii jaatii hai jo saarii duniyaa ke qaanuunii nizaamo.n me.n mushtark hai.n

Related searched words


the science that discusses the subjects and purposes of law that are common to legal systems around the world


the formal knowledge of human relations, which are subject to the rules of law or which produce legal consequences


the knowledge of a real system of law or a part of it


common rights

Showing search results for: English meaning of ilmeusooleqaanooneaam, English meaning of ilmeusooleqanooneam

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