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Showing results for "sajjaada-nashiin"


spiritual superior of a shrine or tomb of a saint (usu. a successor of a saint or spiritual leader)


the one who sitting on the Musalla, the carpet of offering Namaz, the one who is the successor of a saint or sufi, the one who is sitting on the post of a religious personality after his death


the act of sitting on the throne of an elder fakir or mahatma, being the caliph or heir of an elder

Meaning ofSee meaning sajjaada-nashiin in English, Hindi & Urdu


सज्जादा-नशीनسَجّادَہ نَشِین

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 222121

English meaning of sajjaada-nashiin


  • spiritual superior of a shrine or tomb of a saint (usu. a successor of a saint or spiritual leader)

सज्जादा-नशीन के हिंदी अर्थ


  • गद्दी-नशीन, जो किसी बड़े फ़क़ीर या महात्मा के बाद उसकी गद्दी ग्रहण करे

سَجّادَہ نَشِین کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu


  • کسی بزرگ کی گدی پر بیٹھنے والا، کسی بزرگ کا خلیفہ، ایک صوفی کی وصال کے بعد ان کا جانشیں

Urdu meaning of sajjaada-nashiin

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • kisii buzurg kii gaddii par baiThne vaala, kisii buzurg ka Khaliifaa, ek suufii kii visaal ke baad un ka jaanshii.n

Related searched words


spiritual superior of a shrine or tomb of a saint (usu. a successor of a saint or spiritual leader)


the one who sitting on the Musalla, the carpet of offering Namaz, the one who is the successor of a saint or sufi, the one who is sitting on the post of a religious personality after his death


the act of sitting on the throne of an elder fakir or mahatma, being the caliph or heir of an elder

Showing search results for: English meaning of sajjaadanasheen, English meaning of sajjaadanashin

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