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Showing results for "roza-rakhaa.ii"


arrange iftar party for a child who keeps fast for the first time

roza rakhe na namaaz pa.Dhe saharii bhii na khaa.e to mahaz kaafir ho jaa.e

this saying belongs to those who follow the sensual desire, the other costumes are not necessary but the Sahari is

roza rakkhaa rakkhaa aaKHir kholaa to guuh se

لڑکی کو اچّھی جگہ چوڑ کر بُری جگہ بیاہ لینا ؛ دیر میں سوچ سوچ کر قدم اُٹھایا وہ بھی غلط.

Gariib ne roze rakhe din ba.De ho ga.e

the weak always suffer

jo sahrii khaa.e vahii roza rakhe

he must suffer pain who has stood to gain, one who claims right must also perform duty

saharii khaa.e so roza rakhe

one who claims right must also perform duty

jo sahrii khaa.e so rozaa rakhe

he must suffer pain who stands to gain

Meaning ofSee meaning roza-rakhaa.ii in English, Hindi & Urdu


रोज़ा-रखाईروزَہ رَکھائی

English meaning of roza-rakhaa.ii

  • arrange iftar party for a child who keeps fast for the first time

Urdu meaning of roza-rakhaa.ii

  • Roman
  • Urdu

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arrange iftar party for a child who keeps fast for the first time

roza rakhe na namaaz pa.Dhe saharii bhii na khaa.e to mahaz kaafir ho jaa.e

this saying belongs to those who follow the sensual desire, the other costumes are not necessary but the Sahari is

roza rakkhaa rakkhaa aaKHir kholaa to guuh se

لڑکی کو اچّھی جگہ چوڑ کر بُری جگہ بیاہ لینا ؛ دیر میں سوچ سوچ کر قدم اُٹھایا وہ بھی غلط.

Gariib ne roze rakhe din ba.De ho ga.e

the weak always suffer

jo sahrii khaa.e vahii roza rakhe

he must suffer pain who has stood to gain, one who claims right must also perform duty

saharii khaa.e so roza rakhe

one who claims right must also perform duty

jo sahrii khaa.e so rozaa rakhe

he must suffer pain who stands to gain

Showing search results for: English meaning of rojarakhaai, English meaning of rojarakhai

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