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Showing results for "'ilm-e-aaKHirat"


a branch of hadith science that deals with the preaching of the Prophethood and covers all kinds of deeds and their punishments

Meaning ofSee meaning 'ilm-e-aaKHirat in English, Hindi & Urdu


'इल्म-ए-आख़िरतعِلْمِ آخِرَت

English meaning of 'ilm-e-aaKHirat

Noun, Masculine

  • a branch of hadith science that deals with the preaching of the Prophethood and covers all kinds of deeds and their punishments

عِلْمِ آخِرَت کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • علمِ حدیث کی ایک شاخ جس میں تبلیغ رسالت سے متعلق بحث کی جاتی ہے اور یہ بحث ہر قسم کے اعمال اور ان کی سزا و جزا پر محیط ہوتی ہے .

Urdu meaning of 'ilm-e-aaKHirat

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ilm-e-hadiis kii ek shaaKh jis me.n tabliiG risaalat se mutaalliq behas kii jaatii hai aur ye behas har kism ke aamaal aur un kii sazaa-o-jaza par muhiit hotii hai

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a branch of hadith science that deals with the preaching of the Prophethood and covers all kinds of deeds and their punishments

Showing search results for: English meaning of ilmeaakhirat, English meaning of ilmeakhirat

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