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Showing results for "gul-e-do-pahriyaa"


the flower marvel of Peru, Mirabilis jalapa, which opens around noon


the flower marvel of Peru, Mirabilis jalapa, which opens around noon


the flower marvel of Peru, Mirabilis jalapa, which opens around noon

Meaning ofSee meaning gul-e-do-pahriyaa in English, Hindi & Urdu


गुल-ए-दो-पहरियाگُل دُو پَہْرِیا

English meaning of gul-e-do-pahriyaa

Persian, Hindi - Noun, Masculine

  • the flower marvel of Peru, Mirabilis jalapa, which opens around noon

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गुल-ए-दो-पहरिया के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, हिंदी - संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • मध्याह्नकाल में खिलने वाला फूल जिसका पौधा आधे गज़ से डेढ़-दो गज़ तक लंबा और पत्ते गहरे लाल और देवदार के पत्तों के आकार जैसे लंबोतरे और कंगूरेदार होते हैं, फूल दवा के रूप में प्रयुक्त

گُل دُو پَہْرِیا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فارسی، ہندی - اسم، مذکر

  • دوپہر کے وقت کِھلنے والا ایک پھول جس کا پودا نصف گز سے ڈیڑھ دو گز تک بلند اور پتّے گہرے سُرخ صنوبری شکل کے لمبوترے اور کنگرے دار ہوتے ہیں، پھول دواءً مستعمل

Urdu meaning of gul-e-do-pahriyaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • dopahar ke vaqt khulne vaala ek phuul jis ka paudaa nisf gaz se De.Dh do gaz tak buland aur pate gahre suraKh sanobarii shakl ke lambotre aur kanagredaar hote hain, phuul divaan mustaamal

Related searched words


the flower marvel of Peru, Mirabilis jalapa, which opens around noon


the flower marvel of Peru, Mirabilis jalapa, which opens around noon


the flower marvel of Peru, Mirabilis jalapa, which opens around noon

Showing search results for: English meaning of guledopahriya, English meaning of guledopahriyaa

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