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Showing results for "ba-roz-e-'iid-e-qurbaa.n"


on the day of Eid festival of sacrifice


the festival of victims or sacrifices (held on the tenth of the month ẕuʼl-ḥijja, in commemoration of Abraham's offering up his son Isaac, or Ishmael, according to the Mohammadans)


with the beneficence of Eid (festival)

har roz roz-e-'iid har shab shab-e-baraat

رک : ہر شب شب برات الخ ۔

din roz-e-'iid raat shab-e-baraat

allusion to a life of continuous gaiety and festivity

har shab shab-e-baraat he har roz roz-e-'iid

happy times; palmy days, halcyon days

Meaning ofSee meaning ba-roz-e-'iid-e-qurbaa.n in English, Hindi & Urdu


ब-रोज़-ए-'ईद-ए-क़ुर्बांبَروزِ عِیْدِ قُرْباں

Vazn : 222222

English meaning of ba-roz-e-'iid-e-qurbaa.n

  • on the day of Eid festival of sacrifice

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Urdu meaning of ba-roz-e-'iid-e-qurbaa.n

  • Roman
  • Urdu

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on the day of Eid festival of sacrifice


the festival of victims or sacrifices (held on the tenth of the month ẕuʼl-ḥijja, in commemoration of Abraham's offering up his son Isaac, or Ishmael, according to the Mohammadans)


with the beneficence of Eid (festival)

har roz roz-e-'iid har shab shab-e-baraat

رک : ہر شب شب برات الخ ۔

din roz-e-'iid raat shab-e-baraat

allusion to a life of continuous gaiety and festivity

har shab shab-e-baraat he har roz roz-e-'iid

happy times; palmy days, halcyon days

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